
Cooler than Normal

The day was like autumn all respects. Cooling temperatures, breezes, and no flying insects. Last year, the searing, wet heat was a prime argument for those who decry ‘global warming’! That whole argument is premised with the hue and cry of ‘humans (i.e., American capitalist pig-dog industrialists) are to blame! I am not a scientist, so I am incapable (without a smidgeon of effort) of citing authority one way or another (I am too lazy). Today, the earth first folk have been silent.

I spent four hours surfing through political weblogs in a never-ceasing attempt to remain informed about this year’s presidential election. I am a relentless conservative, but I will not shed open-mindedness. I am honest in my convictions, which means I don’t walk around with intellectual blinders on.

John Kerry lied about his Vietnam experience. He embellished it. Too many people treat his service as an untouchable shiboleth. "He served. That is honorable." Well, lots of people ‘served’, principally because they had no choice. Kerry could have avoided it, because of the rarified social class he was born to. He did not because of his ego. At a young age, he was possessed of a sense of grandeur and power. That is why he went to Vietnam. That is why he wound up on a SWIFT boat. I believe that when he volunteered for that branch of the Navy, he was not aware of the potential danger. Only after he was committed did he realize the danger. His four months ‘on the line’ was the amount of time it took him to ‘comply’ with regulations and obtain the three Purple Hearts necessary for his ticket out.

John Kerry filmed his experiences in Vietnam. This alone is not unusual. His contemporaneous recreations of combat are, however, not ordinary! He is unique in this aspect. He did it because of ambition. In my book, that is so egotistical it is manic. 1968 Christmas Eve trip into Cambodia? Gotcha! I totally concur with The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

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