Kerry is Nervous now
My head is aflutter. Following the pertinant websites in the ‘blogosphere’ has been invigorating. I am of the firm opinion that I am a witness to the end of one age, the beginning of another, brought to you and me, compliments of the inevitable advancement of technology.
This Presidential campaign coverage is the dawn of a new day. No longer is an interested soul captive to the whims of mass print media or ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN. The internet has put an end to this. The internet, the bloggers, if you will, have shown a bright light on the old powers that be. It has exposed an innate, left-leaning bias prone, not only to cheering for the ‘home team’, but also to suppressing the roar of the ‘other side’.
At one time, our exposure to the ‘Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’ would have been a mere passing reference to a right-wing hack job for the benefit of the current Bush ‘junta’ or ‘regime’, as seen through the prism of the ‘main stream media’, now we see the entire landscape, blemishes and all.
That said, the conservative ‘bloggers’ have honed in upon the truth. Truth, as it were, cannot be changed by spin or inuendo. Kerry's Vietnam is well-honed, albeit imperfect, puffery.
The truth which emerges from SBVFT is that Kerry is a very shrewd, oh-so-self-serving liar. Bathroom grafitti truth: He who sups at the Banquet of Ego never leaves the table satisfied. John Kerry. I believe it 1000 times over. His appetite for mass love of power and acceptance is insatiable. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The silver that is the pure; the strain which emanates superiority over mass peers from the very moment one is able to comprehend. Ye of the elite, taken for granted in one’s own rarified circle, but not the rest of America!
Kerry filed a complaint today with the Federal Elections Commission. He claims that the Swift Boat Veteran’s, a bona fide 527 organization, is in league with the Bush campaign (which would be very much against ‘the law’) The organization and the Bush campaign vehemently deny it. He is desperate today. What do you do when you are faced with the truth? That would all depend upon you character, so his actions today speak of his character. Plain and simple!
This Presidential campaign coverage is the dawn of a new day. No longer is an interested soul captive to the whims of mass print media or ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN. The internet has put an end to this. The internet, the bloggers, if you will, have shown a bright light on the old powers that be. It has exposed an innate, left-leaning bias prone, not only to cheering for the ‘home team’, but also to suppressing the roar of the ‘other side’.
At one time, our exposure to the ‘Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’ would have been a mere passing reference to a right-wing hack job for the benefit of the current Bush ‘junta’ or ‘regime’, as seen through the prism of the ‘main stream media’, now we see the entire landscape, blemishes and all.
That said, the conservative ‘bloggers’ have honed in upon the truth. Truth, as it were, cannot be changed by spin or inuendo. Kerry's Vietnam is well-honed, albeit imperfect, puffery.
The truth which emerges from SBVFT is that Kerry is a very shrewd, oh-so-self-serving liar. Bathroom grafitti truth: He who sups at the Banquet of Ego never leaves the table satisfied. John Kerry. I believe it 1000 times over. His appetite for mass love of power and acceptance is insatiable. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The silver that is the pure; the strain which emanates superiority over mass peers from the very moment one is able to comprehend. Ye of the elite, taken for granted in one’s own rarified circle, but not the rest of America!
Kerry filed a complaint today with the Federal Elections Commission. He claims that the Swift Boat Veteran’s, a bona fide 527 organization, is in league with the Bush campaign (which would be very much against ‘the law’) The organization and the Bush campaign vehemently deny it. He is desperate today. What do you do when you are faced with the truth? That would all depend upon you character, so his actions today speak of his character. Plain and simple!