Lo, The Din!
It began in earnest, yesterday, on the mean streets of NYC. Couple hundred thousand protesters, most all far left of center. It's not a good time for the free flow and exchange of ideas in the Big Apple.
At what point exactly, I asked several members of the Question Authority Brigade, is one group far enough in the minority that they become, well, dissenters? Sputtering, uncomprehending rage was all I got in response.
But considering the numbers and the fact that any small Republican counter-protest was immediately converged upon on by frothing-mouthed burst of vitriol and obscenity, it would seem those speaking truth to power (i.e., "dissenters") in New York City Sunday morning were Republicans.
Not once during the Democrats' convention did I see any large number of Republicans show up to chant, "DNC go home!" Not once did crowds of conservatives attempt to silence Democrats with obscenity or physical intimidation. Not once did Bush supporters question the legitimate right of a political party to gather for a convention.
Yet all of this is commonplace at the Republican event."This is what democracy looks like!" the crowd chants as they demand that Republicans' right to assembly and speech be beaten to a bloody pulp.
Read all about Shawn Macomber's excellent adventure amongst the teeming throng in his American Spectator article: http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=7047. The MSM will play along, emphasizing the demonstrators. "We already won!" a New York City Councilman told the crowd. "There's already been more coverage of the protests than there has been of the convention."