Looming Political Entertainment
Two big series of events loom large and political. The first of these is the Republican National Convention, which begins immediately. The second, and perhaps more universally anticipated are the three Presidential Debates.
I had many unpleasant moments while watching portions of the Boston-based DNC show (rife with 'prepared' soundbites! Choreographed and orchestrated to a fine degree'! A kinder, gentler DNC convention with (almost) no mention of the hated Bush by name). Imagine my surprise when JFKerry did his 4-months in Nam show. It was utterly unbelievable! Here's this guy, running for POTUS, and his principal message is ... from over 30 years ago?
By now, we all know why he did. His campaign consultants, the DNC, the Iowa caucus voters, the party faithful, and the candidate all convinced themselves that the one trump card to GWB's leadership in the war on terror was ... Kerry's searingly brief stint on a Swiftboat. Incredible.
But I digress! This is about the RNC convention and the upcoming debates. The convention will probably be scripted in the manner of Kerry's. The main convention speakers, such as Rudy Guilliani, Arnie Schwarzenegger, and that good old southern Democrat Zell Miller all have a broader cross appeal than the likes of Bill and Hillary, Teddy, Rev Al, Jimmy C. Don't get me wrong: the latter company were all very effective speakers: but they were preaching to the choir. The sterling exception was Barak Obama (he 'sounded' conservative, even though his short record is very liberal).
Expect the mainstream media to peddle the various outside protests and milk them to maximum negative effect against W. By this point in the election cycle, conventional wisdom is that these act-ups aren't gonna hurt GWB, unpleasant to behold as they might be. While the anarchy show unfolds, remember what the DNC did at Boston: they put the protesters in a cage. Do please observe the difference this time around.
As to GWB, well we all know he is a 'radical' POTUS. Expect his message to be upbeat. I'm looking forward to what he has to say about Social Security and tax reform. Anyway, he's going to be 'in the round' - should be different, if not great.
Now as to the debates. I can not wait. The AnybodyButBush crowd has characterized Bush as a country-bumpkin numbskull ever since he got traction in 2000. You will recall the exquisite glee of the left as the days to the first debate ticked down. Al Gore, the man who invented the internet, that scion of all dear to the Dems, was going to have a good time at the fair with Bush. Well, it did not happen. Bush had debates with, what? two or three different Al Gore Jrs. Bush was simply himself and Gore adjusted and reacted. Can you say 'strategery'? We never did know the real AlGore, did we.
Do we know the real John Kerry? We certainly don’t know the one from Vietnam.
Both event series will be great for political junkies and armchair pundits of all persuasions.
This post is a re-worked comment placed on Phillip von Bargen's Private Idaho blogsite 8/28/2004 03:30:49 PM.