
Iraqi raises red flag over Iran

One of the Iraq the Model brothers -- an Iraqi reporting on Iraqi issues within Iraq -- posts a disturbing observation. Omar is concerned about the nuclear threat coming from Iran.

Omar draws an interesting, disturbing parallel between the international community and events as they transpired in Iraq, and the international community and the events as they are transpiring in Iran.

In the beginning, the world was united against Saddam. Now the world is united in its desire to thwart the totalitarian mullahs in Iran from obtaining WMD. The force of UN sentiment proved insufficient to bring Saddam to heel. Saddam violated UN mandates, and the world (that other part of it) wavered. Not only did a portion of the international community of nation states waver -- some states opposed the US in its resolve. Now, Iran announces its intention to continue processing Uranium, in spite of the expressed will of the international community...

Let's see just how the world community deals the threat this time.

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