
Kerry belittles Allawi

"So John Kerry will end his political career as he began it, attacking America's role in a just war, undermining the morale of the troops who are fighting it, and expressing contempt for the leadership of a nation struggling to be free of oppressors. It is the only mark of consistency he's displayed, but not one that many voters will admire." -- Hugh Hewitt

Candidate Kerry - Mr Negativity - took Interim Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi to task shortly after Allawi gave a speech of positive thanksgiving to a joint session of Congress.

"The prime minister and the president are here obviously to put their best face on the policy, but the fact is that the CIA estimates, the reporting, the ground operations and the troops all tell a different story," the Democratic nominee told reporters here.

"The president says that things are getting better in Iraq and we must just stay the same course," Kerry said. "Well, I disagree. They're not getting better, and we need to change the course to protect our troops and to win."

"I think the prime minister is, obviously, contradicting his own statement when he said, 'terrorists are pouring into the country,' " Kerry said.

Why are these liberal politicians so disposed to negativity? Why nothing positive? The long and the short of it is because they are losing. Losers find it hard to be positive (they didn't become losers for no reason, you know...)

Citizen Smash has the transcript of Allawi's speech.

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