
A timely response to an ugly statement.

President Bush pushed back at Kerry for the Senator's belittling of Iraqi Interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi on Thursday.

"This brave man came to our country to talk about how he's risking his life for a free Iraq, which helps America, and Senator Kerry held a press conference to question Prime Minister Allawi's credibility," Mr. Bush told an audience in Janesville, Wis.

"You can't lead this country if your ally in Iraq feels like you question his credibility," he added. "The message ought to be to the Iraqi people: We support you."

That the Democrat candidate for the highest office in the land would disparage Allawi at such a critical juncture in the war is disgusting. It reflects poorly on the United States. It sends a strong signal to the darker forces in this war that America is far from united. It is a sad thing, too, that the President is forced to ground with this.

"He came to our country to thank the American people," the president said. "He came to our country to thank the moms and dads and husbands and wives of those who have sacrificed for his freedom and America's security."

He added: "And my opponent chose to criticize the prime minister of Iraq."

The candidate's words alone weren't enough for the DNC. Clinton's former press secretary, a 'loaner' to the Kerry campaign, Joe Lockhart, drove the nail deeper:

"The last thing you want to be seen as is a puppet of the United States, and you can almost see the hand underneath the shirt today moving the lips," he said after the Allawi-Bush press conference."

These people's actions exceed the boundaries of mere political posturing. Look at Lockhart's statement one more time. No good can come from mixing politics with foreign policy in this way. What is it that Kerry and his cast are looking for? Votes? They had 98% of the votes they will get several months ago. I am enraged!

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