Bob Just: My Un-American Democratic Party
Our 'cold civil war'
Bob Just is a WorldNetDaily columnist, and this article is a few months old. But timely. I have severely abridged what follows. However, in the interests of what is going to follow the election, I culled a lot of the best of it, for your edification.
Students of the American Civil War will recall US Grant's end-game strategy, which was to continually march past Lee's flank in a bloody race to Richmond. Thousands upon thousands of Union boys' blood was spilled, by a beleaguered, attritted, albeit superior-led Southern army. In the end, Grant's overwhelming, marshalled control of superior numbers and material wore down the Army of Northern Virginia.
Now, I'm obviously not attempting to draw the parallel you think I am. Conservatives are on an equal footing with the Libs these days, at least nation-wide. The outcome of this national struggle is yet to be seen, but the liberal element has adopted Grant's winning strategy of 140 years ago...
Read the whole article here, where you will find more strong language and thought. By the way, Bob Just is a Democrat.
Our 'cold civil war'
Bob Just is a WorldNetDaily columnist, and this article is a few months old. But timely. I have severely abridged what follows. However, in the interests of what is going to follow the election, I culled a lot of the best of it, for your edification.
Students of the American Civil War will recall US Grant's end-game strategy, which was to continually march past Lee's flank in a bloody race to Richmond. Thousands upon thousands of Union boys' blood was spilled, by a beleaguered, attritted, albeit superior-led Southern army. In the end, Grant's overwhelming, marshalled control of superior numbers and material wore down the Army of Northern Virginia.
Now, I'm obviously not attempting to draw the parallel you think I am. Conservatives are on an equal footing with the Libs these days, at least nation-wide. The outcome of this national struggle is yet to be seen, but the liberal element has adopted Grant's winning strategy of 140 years ago...
Make no mistake, anti-Semitism is alive and well as a political force – and so is appeasement. The two will combine, and my Democratic Party will soon betray Israel.
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Inside they seethe at "red state" America. . . . What caused all this anger, and why is it directed at fellow Americans? The furious fringe is taking over the party. They are solidified in their sense of victimhood. They aren't looking for compromise, but for total victory – revenge almost – in fulfilling their vision for a new America, one that has nothing to do with biblical Christianity or Judaism, the pumping heart of true Americanism.
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Last November, famous Soviet Jewish dissident Natan Sharansky wrote a piece for Commentary Magazine in which he made clear that anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism were related. Both express hostility toward the "moral clarity" of Jews and Christians and their shared love of liberty.
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Everyone is talking about the growing red-state /blue-state divide in America. The words "parallel universe" have even been used to describe the two ethics that dominate our political scene. To put it simply, the red side believes in "one nation, under God," and the blue side doesn't. We think rights come from our Creator, they think rights come from our government. We think there are moral absolutes, they think everything is relative, including the Constitution.
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Now here is our big problem. These Democrats don't need to win elections the usual way. All they need to do is solidify their angry base – then entrench like an occupying army – and wait until Americans are desperate for a political "change." No one can break the stranglehold of a party that has a solid 40-45 percent base (as some experts claim), and few moral limits.
Read the whole article here, where you will find more strong language and thought. By the way, Bob Just is a Democrat.