
JFKerry -- no enemy of the enemy

He was a communist stooge, as Polipundit puts it. If one reads carefully between the lines of two recently unearthed documents, and then couples the intelligence with Kerrys anti-war activities, one can certainly draw that conclusion.

The communist regime in Hanoi monitored closely and looked favorably upon the activities of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War during the period Senator Kerry served most actively as the group's spokesman and a member of its executive committee, two captured Viet Cong documents suggest.

So goes the opening paragraph of this New York Sun article. The captured documents have been housed in a massive set of archives located at Texas Tech University at Lubbock. "The Circular and the Directive are listed as items numbered 2150901039b and 2150901041 respectively."

On July 23, 1971, The New York Times reported that Mr. Kerry held a demonstration in Washington in support of the "seven-point peace proposal" and, according to the Times, "Mr. Kerry, who is 27 years, introduced wives, parents and sisters of prisoners to plead for support."

The Times's dispatch stated that Mr. Kerry charged "...the latest Vietcong peace offer in Paris, which promises the release of prisoners as American troops are withdrawn, is being ignored by Mr. Nixon..."

The circular in the Texas archive states, "The antiwar movements in the US are trying to find means to cooperate... They are also trying by all means to support the seven-point peace proposal (of the PRG) [Viet Cong] and oppose the distorted interpretation made by the White House, the Pentagon and CIA."

Kerry and NPR are spouting off about 380 tons of explosives missing from an Iraqi ammo dump before US forces ever got to it (a last week, planned DNC/CBS 'surprise'). He uses it to condemn Bush in the area of national security. This insight into Kerry's motive and intent during the Vietnam War is also within the area national security. Which do you believe is the more significant of the two? Is there even a comparison to be made?

Makes me want to take a dip of snuff... Tell your friends and acquaintances, please.

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