
More on Bush/Kerry II

Debate Transcript

Mark Steyn: WINNER: BUSH! (and whoever loaded his percolator) The unasked questions: Is there anything you can ask John Kerry that he doesn't have a plan for? Is his plan to have a plan for everything? If you ask him whether he's concerned that something might come up that he doesn't have a plan for, does he have a plan to deal with things he hasn't planned? Has he planned for the possibility that he might misplace one of his plans?

Dick Morris: The dignified, coiffeured John Kerry came out behind his podium and paced the floor. But he was shown up by George W. Bush. He showed how superficial were his arguments and how contradictory was his record. In a forum that seemed more real for the participation of the voters, Bush made it clear that he is in charge and that he is protecting us in a way that John Kerry never could do.

LATimes OpEd: By consensus of television pundits, the first presidential debate went to Sen. John F. Kerry. But several of them said Friday that President Bush seemed more comfortable against the Democratic challenger in Round 2.

John F. Harris, WaPo Staff Writer: With two debates down and one to go -- the last, on domestic policy, Wednesday in Arizona -- it did not seem likely that this debate will dramatically affect the dynamic of the campaign, in the way that Bush's weak performance in Miami clearly presented an opening for Kerry and tightened the polls to what is now essentially a tie.

James G. Lakely, WashTimes writer: President Bush last night forcefully articulated his stance on the war on terror and portrayed Sen. John Kerry as incapable of consistent leadership, rebounding from his poor performance in the first debate to show the steadfastness analysts say swing voters will respond to positively.

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