
Terror Video

I'm not that different from the 'highly trained broadcast expert' R. Limbaugh when it comes to checking Drudge first thing in the morning, afternoon, evening, and whenever I log on. He's my at-home PC homepage. Our modern newsman, posts all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Often, my post-hunts begin with his page. No blog-sin there. Not all of us can stay glued to the screen (or in the alternative, have six or eight, or 20 blog-site colleagues) 18 hours a day.

So, the latest headline at Drudge is : TERROR VIDEO WARNS OF BUSH, CHENEY CONSEQUENCE.

I link...and read.

TERROR TAPE WARNS OF BUSH, CHENEY CONSEQUENCE**Exclusive**The CIA and FBI have authenticated a new al Qaeda videotape which warns of retribution for Americans electing Bush and Cheney."What took place on September 11 was but the opening salvo of the global war on America and that our Lord willing, the magnitude and ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about September 11," the man, whose face is covered by a headdress, warns in the video. "After decades of American tyranny, now it's your turn to die."The alarming tape which warns the next terror attack will dwarf 9/11.The CIA and FBI late Wednesday authenticated the tape, federal sources tell DRUDGE. ABCNEWS obtained the tape from a source in Pakistan."You are guilty, guilty, guilty. You're as guilty as Bush and Cheney. You're as guilty as Rumsfeld and Ashcroft and Powell...," the man states. He goes on to warn of an upcoming horror: "The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead. "People of America, that was the verdict now for the sentencing: as participants and partners in the crimes of the regime, you too shall pay the price for the blood that has been spilled."

I don't know about you, but that makes me want to take a dip of snuff! It makes me mad as hell.

I am dat-burned if I will let some islamofascist scumbag dictate to me that I should cower in fear, or vote for a liberal man who can't make his mind up, or that my countrymen need do the same. The United States of America rose from nothing - NOTHING - and in the course of a 230 some years, our frontier IDEALS have changed the face of the globe...for the better, I would add. To you Islamofascist swine who seek to sway me and my countrymen, you waste your time. I am 'everyman', and I say with confidence: you're making Hitler's and Tojo's same mistakes, 'big time'! Lenin may have thought he was on to something big, just like you do, but he was corrupt of mind and spirit, just like you.

What you and your ilk seekwith this video, and with other hairy expressions of your predilictions and over-all sensibilities, is to cower the American electorate. You seek, by your stupid, fallacious, condemnations of George W. Bush, to sway us to a gentler, more cowardly sensibility. Sorry! No one in my corner cares to bend gently, whimpering quietly, as your sword of hate descends on our collective neck. You've done nothing but put another layer of cement on my long-standing CONVICTION to vote for the re-election of our President.

You cannot fool, sway, or scare me into voting for a liberal, brown-nosing internationalist. 70% of the French may want Kerry elected, but not "this ol' boy". Go on, take your Islamic laws into the streets of Marseilles. I have sense enough to know we are grinding through a significant stretch of world-play dynamics and history. I have sense enough to know an evil movement when I see one. You guys either want us 'converted' or killed. You fellows are my enemy. Bring. It On.

God - I don't spell His name 'Allah' (God is a bit too large for limitation of that sort) - doesn't take sides. And I believe, unequivocally, that my side is His side. I've lived a few years, studied a fair amount, and drawn a few of my own conclusions. Conclusion #1: Our Almighty is a loving God. #2: He gave us free-will. #3. We are to love our brother as we love ourself. #4. Islamofascism has scrambled the meaning of the first, has no concept of the second, and utterly disregards the third.

So that brings us back to the article. ABC News doesn't want to air this video. 'Too political,' they say. Afraid, it might sway the election. Yeah, right. Just like the discredited Al QaQaa story, and all the soundbites the enlightened fellows were only too glad to repeat ad nauseum the past 48 hours...the past 48 days (Rathergate, eg). You Spinmeisters! You don't want to run it because it will touch the American heart like it has touched mine! You fellows believe the American heart rests with east coast, effete sentimentalities - those aligned with the French and the Belgians!

"A member of al Qaeda who professes to be a U.S. citizen was always coveted and looked for by the al Qaeda," said Jack Cloonan, a former FBI agent who interviewed a number of captured al Qaeda members and is now an ABC News consultant. Cloonan said he believed the tape to be authentic.

Azzam makes references to several American officials, including 9/11 Commission Chairman Tom Kean, and even refers to the controversial remarks made by comedian Bill Maher about the cowardice of the U.S. launching cruise missiles compared with terrorist suicide attacks

America is a big place. Room for all, including evil, religious zealots. But just because we are free and open doesn't mean we can't call a zealot a zealot. Bill Maher is in league with John Kerry and Jane Fonda. How does it feel, Bill? Your brave words have given aid and comfort to those who wish us dead. You, sir, are indeed a 'patriotic' American, in the most cynical, warped sense of the adjective. Talk on!

"People of America, I remind you of the weighty words of our leaders, Osama bin Laden and Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri, that what took place on Sept. 11 was but the opening salvo of the global war on America," said Azzam. "And that Allah willing, the magnitude and ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about Sept. 11." Source.

We don't forget, 'Azzam.' We get even. The upcoming election is a turning point in this, the latest tide of human history. If W prevails, we will right this global inequity sooner. If he does not win, half of us will stay on task, come hell or high water. I am not fool enough to expect comfortable, lax, 'touchy-feely' times in the coming days. It is the coming storm!

See also this grand rant by Le Shawn Barber. Polipundit picked it up, and Barber's star continues to rise. Go girl! Captain's Quarters also holds ABC to the fire.

As always, remain calm, steadfast, and vote 'W'!

Amen brother! I stand with you to fight these bastards back down anyway that we can. And if our calling is to dissiminate the truth, than I am proud to do so.
I will be linking to your rant, it is mighty worthy!

obl is DEAD.


GOD bless W and those of us who have sense enough to understand reality. You're welcome millermont. You can keep living in your world.

Did President Bush capture Osama Bin Laden?
No he did not.

Why not?
He still thinks that the capture of Sadam Hussein will be the solution to all problems.

Will he caputure OBL?
He's as freightened to speak out Osama Bin Ladens name as capturing him. So it won't be on his record.

Will OBL be captured?
No, I think not.

He's to smart and prefers to die like a martyr then to be captured like Saddam Hussein.
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