
Bust low and keep your head bowed!

That's what my high school football coach ground into me. Plow into someone like that, like you mean it! Win or lose, hit hard and keep your head up.

The exit polls spell cyclical doom for those of us in the right corner. But they are just polls. They are not the results. Oh far from it! They are the gleeful, gyrational spin of the MSM spinmeisters. It's 2000 all over. It's 2002 all over. And the spinmeisters soiled their pants (big-time) on each occasion. Votes count, and nothing else! Everytime.

As I told my fellow blogger Kelli, I have been unnaturally calm most of the day. I credit it to the fact I have stayed away from the MSM, FoxNews included. What little I have done this day, beside burp bile at Drudge, is graze on the Northern Alliance bigs, Polipundit, and The Corner. Most of what I read there (deep, so very deep, in feel-good country) is heartening.

Cheer up! I don't know enough to posit an intelligent guess. But I do know that the world will keep turning. I guarantee you this: whatever happens, the passion that I, and the friends and (highly valued) commenters who come here regularly, have, will not abate. If anything, it will intensify. The war has only begun.

This conflict is far deeper than a bunch of islamofascists intent on killing us each and every one, Tiny Tim included. It encompasses our own political landscape. Everyone reading knows what that landscape is, and who it includes. Regardless of the outcome of this election, MiKail Moore will still be around, ascerbic and rotten-to-the-core as ever, and he is just the "pus-pocket' of the left - a visible blackhead.

Stay calm. Watch the returns (the high drama we have waited years for), take a deep breath and know you are not alone. If you suffer, you have lots of company, what? about half the country? If you rejoice, do so among ourselves. The urge to rub it in lies deeper with the blind, corrupt, hateful, or ignorant left. We freedom-loving center-righters have absolutely sound ideas on our side, and there isn't a lot of need to grind anything in on the loser. Right has no need for hate.

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