Condoleezza Rice
Listening to the car radio this day in small portion, I have heard more than passing reference to belittling of Condi Rice by the Left, especially allegations that the lib smarminess goes so far as to encompass bigotry and rascism, I have no doubt of the veracity of the reports, at least in degree.
After all, the Left is eager to belittle any person or official who has shown loyalty and acted faithfully in pursuit of our elected President's goals and policies. This is so regardless of the success of his vision. World view, including that of France, is far more optimistic, even enthusiastic, about the possibility of a Rice-run State Department.
The Left's general consensus seems to be this: Powell was a voice of reason, a multilateralist sharing the table in a room full of unilateralist hawks. Powell was not afraid to differ with his fellow cabinet members or his President. Rice is like the next pea in a pod with Bush. It may not be a good thing she is so loyal. Why is that? (because the Left doesn't want to see everyone on the same page; they prefer strife and dissention around W any which way they can get it -- and it ain't comin' from Condi).
You may remember Bush 41's SecState James Baker. Those two were on the same page. Their relationship was characterized as symbiotic - when one exhaled the other inhaled. I recall that Jim Baker disagreed at times with GHWB. There is no reason to believe Condi is some automaton.
That she is not.
Listening to the car radio this day in small portion, I have heard more than passing reference to belittling of Condi Rice by the Left, especially allegations that the lib smarminess goes so far as to encompass bigotry and rascism, I have no doubt of the veracity of the reports, at least in degree.
After all, the Left is eager to belittle any person or official who has shown loyalty and acted faithfully in pursuit of our elected President's goals and policies. This is so regardless of the success of his vision. World view, including that of France, is far more optimistic, even enthusiastic, about the possibility of a Rice-run State Department.
The Left's general consensus seems to be this: Powell was a voice of reason, a multilateralist sharing the table in a room full of unilateralist hawks. Powell was not afraid to differ with his fellow cabinet members or his President. Rice is like the next pea in a pod with Bush. It may not be a good thing she is so loyal. Why is that? (because the Left doesn't want to see everyone on the same page; they prefer strife and dissention around W any which way they can get it -- and it ain't comin' from Condi).
You may remember Bush 41's SecState James Baker. Those two were on the same page. Their relationship was characterized as symbiotic - when one exhaled the other inhaled. I recall that Jim Baker disagreed at times with GHWB. There is no reason to believe Condi is some automaton.
That she is not.