
Political Burnout

I feel the need for quiet

With each passing day, I get the feeling I am the typical American. As a typical American, I grew intensely interested as the election year passed by. With each day, the election drew nearer, and I became more passionate. Those around me did the same. Fever pitch! I watched my fellow bloggers become as incensed as I was; we couldn’t stay far away from the shining, center-right stars in the blogosphere. What they said was how we felt, and we embellished those well-spoken words.

And then came the election. Oh yes! The drama of the exit polls. The voices yelling, ‘hold fast, the day is yet ours!’ What sweet ecstacy! The Triumph of our man, and the ideals he embodied (in a generic sense, mind you, W is, after all, just a politician writ large in the foaming broth of history) gave us sublime satisfaction.

When Wednesday rolled around, I felt justified in the commanding numbers - some 60-odd million compatriots - who had voted my sincere beliefs. By God, sweet justification! Michael Moore and MoveOn.org were slapped with reality.

Reality. Thursday. The Left will not go away. We all knew that. People who write and talk for a living - from an ideological bent - are going to keep doing so. The MSM is not going away. The spin is not going to stop. And there is where the ‘typical Americanism’ washed over me in torrents.

I had enough. I ran away to another country, and the ensuing silence was bliss. This was so in spite of the fact I was immersed in a sea of sun-worshiping Germans, Italians, and ... FRENCH. I didn’t hear a word of politics until I returned to the good old USA. None of those ‘foreigners’ went out of their way to disparage Bush (not counting the Mexican merchant who was disgusted by one of my relatives who would not pay an exorbitant price for a silver bauble – when it was apparent to him that his craftiness would not prevail, he kept yelling "Bush - shieet, Bush shieet!").

So I return home. The blog is on my mind. I’m listening and reading (a little) about Fallujah and the Cabinet changes. My crazy right Democrat friend called W a bad name this afternoon, and belittled Condi ("she’s wacko – Powell was a ‘good soldier’"), and all I could do was smile, shake my head and listen. Nothing has changed but the fact W is around for another term, and even this prescient fact is muted by Hillary-talk (a woman in the catbird seat!).

I apologize (if to no one but myself) for my lack of posts, but I do not feel a burning desire to voice my beliefs and comment on the MSM rhetoric mill yet. I’m a good right-of-center American, rock-solid and confident in the just cause of my beliefs, but I am tired of the incessant shill. I have to breathe (this evening, at least).

‘Everyman’ is a touch burned out; he wants merely to gloat a while to himself...at least until his senses are so offended he feels compelled to speak out again. That could happen as early as tomorrow... After all, ‘Everyman’ can only take so much!

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