

Bush 51% v. Kerry 48% -- margin: some 3.5 million votes

"It's over. The first thing out the door was the Boston Red Sox cap, then the barn coat, and his wife was about ready to throw him out, too," said Mike Barnacle. "Yeah, and don't forget the Bruce Springsteen guitar pick," added Don Imus.

Passing remarks, but indicative of the truth of Kerry's and the Demcrat Party's disconnect with we 'red' of heart and mind. Bush garnered more popular votes than Ronaldus Magnus. W is our legitimately elected President. If the Left continues to complain about 2000 now, the problem rests clearly with them. If 'Lord Haw Haw' Moore continues with the hate speech, he has mental health and behavioral issues which he should see to immediately.

Also: So long Tommy Boy!

Soooo glad our guy won. I really think that this term will be better than the first. I am so optomistic especially with the increase in Congress. Maybe Bush can finally get some judges through.

Got a question for you? How much do you know about Bill Keller? I am asking because he predicted in March that Kerry would win because God told him so. I am trying to find who this liberal god is who is telling people wrong things.
Hi HunterByrd,

WOooooHoooo! It's over but I have to admit, I did not take the high road you recommended. My frustrations got the best of me this morning...but sometimes, some things just have to be said. Have a great night and may we all have a triumphant 4 years.

You've got my attention. I'm going to find out about this fellow you mention. Anytime someone is so pretentious as to predict a victory based upon God should be 'investigated' (not by the police - no - but by people who tend to place value in Faith).

Thanks for the heads up.
Keller has come out and apologized today. However, all that he's written is reminscent of his buddy with similar name-- Kerry the flip-flopper.

I've had to put the brakes on my investigation and my response to this guy, but next week when I get some time, I am going to try to track his record.

I've emailed him and told him I accept his apologize but that more was on the way.
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