
On interminable hiatus

This exercise of posting into the ether is a strange experience indeed. I came to the conclusion that the only reason I became one of the 600,000 active blogs last year was because of the election. What an event that was! Politics is the high drama of human affairs.

I could have been a forum poster. I could have been a regular commenter on any number of inspired, well-written blogs. That didn't appeal. Vanity.

In any event, three days after the election, the air whooshed right out of this balloon. Everyone experiences passing interests, like bowling or golf, or dyeing one's hair purple. Sooner or later, if it doesn't fit, you take it off and put it away. Funny thing is, there hasn't been a single day I haven't thought of this website (as if it were important!). I have experienced a twinge of, dare I say, guilt. Vanity again.

Nothing I posted was unique or breaking. At best, it was anecdotally contributive. There are too many bright stars in the blogoverse. You need a Hubbell-type device to spot me...way off in the distance of the background radiation.

So there. I'll keep thinking. I'll keep reading and listening to talking heads. And when the 'itch' manifests, I'll man this post again, because as any blogger knows, it's fun in the groove.

For those few wander here from time to time, thank you.

We'll miss ya.

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