

The international left's concern for human rights turns out to be nothing more than a useful weapon for its anti-Americanism. Jeane Kirkpatrick pointed out this selective concern for the victims of U.S. allies (such as Chile) 25 years ago. After the Cold War, the hypocrisy continues. For which Arab people do European hearts burn? The Palestinians. Why? Because that permits the vilification of Israel -- an outpost of Western democracy and, even worse, a staunch U.S. ally. Championing suffering Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese offers no such satisfaction. Hence, silence.

That choice language falls toward the end of Dr Krauthammer's latest column, entitled What's Left, Shame?, on page A23 of the WaPo. Bush's humility, like Reagan's, is a key ingredient in his bold success as a shaker of policy and a mover of world history.
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